Shyuan T Ngo The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine Society of Australia and the Society for Reproductive Biology 2013

Shyuan T Ngo

I completed my undergraduate and PhD training at UQ. After completing my PhD in 2009, I took up a postdoctoral position at UQCCR to introduce a translational edge to my research program. In 2012, I was awarded a Bill Gole Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Motor Neurone Disease Research Institute of Australia (MNDRIA). I took up a joint appointment at UQCCR and the School of Biomedical Sciences with this fellowship to continue my research program in motor neuron disease/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (MND/ALS). My current research focuses on the causes and consequences of metabolic dysfunction in MND. I am particularly interested in identifying which metabolic pathways are disrupted in MND and how targeting these pathways might correct for defective energy balance, and prolong survival in MND. I collaborate with international researchers and neurologists in Paris and Strasbourg, and with neurologists at the Royal Brisbane & Women’s hospital with the broader goal of translating basic research in animal models of MND to the clinic.

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