Jessica P Rickard The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine Society of Australia and the Society for Reproductive Biology 2013

Jessica P Rickard

Following the completion of her PhD in 2015, Dr Rickard undertook a number of post-doctoral research positions at the University of Sydney. She has worked on a wide variety of projects related to applied artificial reproductive technologies in sheep, working closely with industry to translate outcomes to the paddock. She is currently the McCaughey Senior Research Fellow at the University of Sydney and is leading a research program investigating factors affecting the success of artificial insemination within the sheep industry. She is also using a combined proteomic and transcriptomic approach to identify molecular traits responsible for improved sperm survival and fertility in the ovine cervix. Recently, she was fortunate enough to apply her skills developed in domestic animal reproduction to wildlife, improving the cryosurvival of rhinoceros semen for captive breeding programs. She is the Vice Chair and director of Merinolink Pty Ltd and is a standing committee member of the International Congress of Animal Reproduction.

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