Beverly Muhlhausler The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine Society of Australia and the Society for Reproductive Biology 2013

Beverly Muhlhausler

Bev Muhlhausler completed her PhD at The University of Adelaide in 2006, focussing on the impact of maternal overnutrition during pregnancy on the development of systems regulating appetite and energy balance in the offspring before and after birth. Bev has since continued her work in the early origins of obesity and metabolic disease, with a particular focus on defining the biological pathways through which maternal obesity and high-fat feeding increases the propensity for obesity in subsequent generations. Bev also has a strong interest in identifying nutritional interventions which could be applied during the perinatal period to improve the long-term metabolic health of the progeny, and undertakes research in both humans and animal models in order to address this research question. Bev is currently an NHMRC Career Development Award Fellow in the FOODplus Research Centre at the University of Adelaide, where she leads a research group with a strong interest in perinatal nutrition.

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