Amy Winship The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine Society of Australia and the Society for Reproductive Biology 2013

Amy Winship

Dr Amy Winship completed her PhD in 2015 at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research. During this time, she investigated cytokine regulation of placental development. In 2016 she was awarded a Cancer Council Victoria Fellowship to examine a therapeutic strategy for cytokine-mediated endometrial cancer progression and spread. Amy relocated to the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute in 2017 after being awarded a NHMRC Peter Doherty Early Career Research Fellowship, to begin research with Dr Karla Hutt in the Ovarian Biology Laboratory. She is establishing an emerging reputation in the fields of ovarian biology and oncofertility; her current research is assessing the importance of DNA damage and repair for oocyte quality and female fertility. Furthermore, capitalising on her uterine and pregnancy expertise, she recently initiated her own research direction to evaluate the impacts of cancer therapies on the uterus and subsequent pregnancy.

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