Sakda D Hewagalamulage The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine Society of Australia and the Society for Reproductive Biology 2013

Sakda D Hewagalamulage

Sakda arrived in Australia in 2007 to study the Monash University Foundation year (MUFY) where he received 5 High Distinctions, was among the top 5 students in the course and was awarded a prize for outstanding academic performance. He then went on to study Bachelor of Biomedical Science at Monash University (Melbourne), where he was awarded the Golden Key International Honour Society membership for the outstanding academic performance in Bachelor of Biomedical Science. In 2011, he joined the Neuroendocrine lab headed by Dr. Belinda Henry and Prof. Iain Clarke in the Department of Physiology at Monash University to do an Honours year in Biomedical Science. He was the top Honours student in the field of Obesity and Diabetes research and was awarded the prestigious Dr. Paula and Dr. Jack Hansky PhD Prize for Research Excellence from Monash Obesity and Diabetes Institute (MODI). He is currently finishing up his Ph.D. at Monash University under the supervision of Dr. Henry and Prof. Clarke. He was a worthy recipient of the ESA basic science award (2013) and ESA research snapshot award (2014). He has also presented his work at the US Endocrine Society meeting (US Endo), ESA (Endocrine Society of Australia), The Australian and New Zealand obesity society (ANZOS), Victorian obesity consortium (VOC) and Monash Obesity and Diabetes Institute (MODI).

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