Jonathan McGuane The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine Society of Australia and the Society for Reproductive Biology 2013

Jonathan McGuane

Jonathan completed his PhD on relaxin as the inaugural Jenny Ryan Foundation Scholar in 2007, before undertaking postdoctoral studies on maternal cardiovascular adaptations in pregnancy with Prof. Kirk Conrad (a continuing collaboration). During that period he was supported by an American Heart Association Fellowship, co-investigator on a Preeclampsia Foundation Vision Grant, and recipient of an SGI President’s Presenter Award. Since 2011, Jonathan has worked on molecular determinants of endometriosis lesion development and underlying aetiological factors. He co-convened the 2012 AH&MRC Endometriosis Symposium, represented the Society at Science meets Parliament in 2012 & 2014, and is the outgoing SRB ECR Representative.

Abstracts this author is presenting: