Oral Presentation The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine Society of Australia and the Society for Reproductive Biology 2013

Repeated exposure to male seminal fluid expands uterine antigen presenting cell and regulatory T cell populations in mice (#106)

Bihong Zhang 1 , Hanan Hamimi Binti Wahid 1 , Lachlan Moldenhauer 1 , Sarah Robertson 1
  1. Research Centre for Reproductive Health, Robinson Institute, School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

The semi-allogeneic fetus is a major challenge to the mother’s immune system during pregnancy. Amongst the factors that contribute to maternal immune tolerance, regulatory T (Treg) cells play a pivotal role. The activation of Treg cells require antigens presented by antigen presenting cells (APCs). We have previously demonstrated that exposure to seminal fluid increases Treg cell populations in the uterus. In this study, we aimed to determine whether repeated exposure would further expand the Treg cell pool as well as the APC pools. Female C57Bl/6 (B6) female mice were mated either once or four times to B6 males (syngeneic) or Balb/c males (allogeneic), using RU486 administration to prevent embryo implantation and pregnancy. As a mating control, females were mated to seminal vesicle deficient and vasectomised (SVX/VAS) males. Uterine tissues were harvested at day 3.5 post-coitum of the final mating. Using immunohistochemistry for the unique marker Treg cell transcription factor Foxp3 and MHC II for activated macrophages and dendritic cells, we demonstrated the Treg cell pool and APC pools were expanded approximately 6-fold and 4.0-fold respectively in the uterus at day 3.5 post-coitum when females received 4 exposures compared to 1 exposure to allogeneic seminal fluid. Seminal fluid, as opposed to neuroendocrine or physical responses to mating were necessary for Treg cell pool expansion, since mating to SVX/VAS males failed to elicit the increase of Treg cells. However, no increase in the Treg cell population was observed after repeated syngeneic matings, indicating the significance of male transplantation antigens in expanding the Treg cell pool. Collectively, these data provide evidence that repeated exposure to seminal fluid acts to expand the Treg cell pool as well as APC pools in the uterus during early pregnancy, and that active factors in seminal fluid are necessary to elicit the Treg cell response.