Poster The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine Society of Australia and the Society for Reproductive Biology 2013

Evaluation of an evidence-based multidiciplinary service forĀ theĀ assessment and management of polycystic ovary syndrome (#346)

Natalie Nanayakkara 1 2 , Anju Joham 1 2 , Rhonda Garad 3 , Jacqueline Boyle 1 , Janet Michelmore 3 , Tanya Heaney-Voogt 3 , Amanda Vincent 1 , Helena Teede 1 2
  1. Monash Applied Research Stream, School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine, Monash University, Clayton, VIC, Australia
  2. Diabetes and Vascular Medicine Unit, Monash Health , Clayton, VIC , Australia
  3. Jean Halies for Women's Health, Clayton, VIC , Australia

Background: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects 12-21% of women with significant reproductive, metabolic, and psychological features; phenotypic expression varies depending on life-stage, ethnicity, obesity and lifestyle. Identified key gaps in the assessment and management of PCOS cause delayed diagnoses, inconsistent and fragmented care. A national PCOS guideline comprising 38 recommendations was released in 2011, following an extensive evidence review process by expert multidisciplinary panel. Extensive stakeholder consultation determined optimal translation strategies into clinical practice and a pilot phase informed the final structure of this evidence-based multidisciplinary PCOS service.

Aim: To report a process evaluation on the development of this service and evaluate its impact in relation to patient satisfaction, knowledge and attitude changes as well as adherence to evidence-based practice. We aim to also examine the efficacy on weight management over 12 months.
Methods: Detailed health questionnaires were completed by patients prior to attending the service and service evaluation surveys completed at the end of the program. Descriptive data was analysed from the 170 women attending the service during the first 12 months.

Results: In a newly established Jean Hailes PCOS service 75% of participants indicated all of their expectations were met or exceeded. The proportion of patients satisfied with their knowledge regarding PCOS increased from 11-25% to 86-99%. Confidence in key aspects of PCOS management improved from 13-43% to 79-98%. Endocrinologist appointments, education sessions and the lifestyle management program were identified as the most beneficial elements of the program. 85% of service participants indicated that they would attempt diet and lifestyle changes as a result of attending the service. Clinical data including BMI, prior to clinic attendance and one year after completion of the program is currently being analysed.

Conclusions: We report on a process evaluation for development of an evidence-based multidisciplinary service and we undertook a service evaluation showing that this service was successful in its aim of improving patient knowledge and motivating beneficial lifestyle changes resulting in high levels of patient satisfaction. Efficacy impact on long term weight management is being evaluated. This evidence-based, multidisciplinary service model of care may benefit a range of chronic medical conditions.